Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Favorite Color Is Orange

I consider a favorite to be something that you return to again and again. It is something that draws your attention and keeps it there. Let me back up.

A few weeks back was my first week in a new ward. New people, new seats, new time. My roommates and I took a seat and waiting for the rest of the ward to file in and take their seats. In the row in front of us my eye caught something beautiful. It was bright, it was exciting, it was unique. This orange watch kept my attention not to mention the growth of wondering who would invest in such fantastic wrist wear.

Lucky me that the owner of the watch was a tall, in and out of the dark handsome guy.
It was like middle school all over again. My tongue swelled up, i got butterfly bumps and gooses fluttering in my tummy. Ya, he's that good looking.

As time went on I kept one eye open, scoping for an opportunity to make a classy introduction. Maybe he would be playing tennis and the ball would be a high flier. Frantically they would be searching when the crowd would part and I would have the tennis ball. Or maybe I would drop a house on his long time enemy, heroine and love interest all in one. Maybe I would be stuck with him as a lab partner and after some time and our love grew i would find out he was a prince. Anyway. . . .

Today was going to be another chance to make a great introduction until he walked into church hand in hand with a fine young lady.

I realize this isn't the end of the world. I should have figured considering where I am combined with the fact that i don't even know the guys name. . . . maybe I didn't exactly have a chance with him but a girl can dream.

I guess there will be other Orange-Watch-Men to occupy my thoughts later on but for now, a moment of silence for my almost favorite.

For all of you who were wondering what this stud looked like. I know, he's traffic stopping.

1 comment:

  1. Bahaha! I hear you girlfriend!

    As the old BYU adage goes... "Nothing is final until they are married!" Don't lose hope!
