Sunday, March 21, 2010

And the timer goes off. . .

I really wanted to start this post with some sort of profound quote or thought. Its like when you're writing a speech for some class and they tell you to start big, grab your audience. Here I go. . .
"Sometimes people bug me."
- Cyndi Hutch

I realize that using my own quote is a bit self-centered and everything but it is my blog but whatever. There is this timer somewhere where soul meets body that tells me just how much I can take. How fast the wind can blow until I fall, how fast the ground can shake until my knees buckle, or how much I can remember until I reach maximum occupancy. There are particular things that this timer clangs and gongs and screams at no matter what. Pet peeves or something that I hope to someday overcome but in the meantime I am going to complain.
1- Hypocrites
I hate it when people are hypocritical, it ruins my whole day and my perspective of them. The only thing I hate more then hypocrites that cross my path is when I am hypocritical. I beat myself up over it because there is nothing worse then hurting someone with something you know first hand hurts.
2- Ignorance
I don't know a whole lot. In fact, I don't really truly know anything but playing it smart when you really are dumb is what I consider ignorant. Sooner or later you are going to start believing yourself and then no one else is going to want to explain it once again.
3- Texting
Now, I realize that this is a sort of touchy subject and I would promise to tip-toe around it lightly but I couldn't keep that promise so. . . . . Texting is so rude. I do not like competing with someone who knows where for the attention of the person sitting right in front of me. You think that I would win but for some reason I don't. I'm not a very good looser. It is also dangerous. If you are driving with me please do not text and drive, that is an accident waiting to happen and if it never comes do us all a favor and text dumb on your thumbs. Now, I do not text and drive but at times I will text when I am with other people. I apologize for this. I understand that texting thrill but I try very hard to not text in excess.

Now, please please please do not take offense unless offense was intended.

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