Thursday, May 6, 2010


I looked out the window and what did I see, not global warming I declare a fallacy.
Sorry Al, but on the sixth of May, 2010, I opened my blinds and saw snow. Yes, snow.
Therefore, I do proclaim, by the power vested in my through the state of mind of Rexburg Residents do declare fallacy. But Al, remember that I still think you invented the internet, for what it is worth.
In other news, I have decided that Thursdays should be viewed as weekend days. Everyone would love Fridays a whole lot more than they already do. Think it over, get back to me.


  1. Haven't you heard it's called global climate change now? Some places get warmer and some get colder. Although I am with you on the whole fallacy thing.
    - M3W
    (That is fun to type)

  2. Dear Dancer_pants,
    That is also fun to type. I will make a note of the name change to global climate change. And M3W, I have nothing more to say I just wanted to type that.

