Monday, April 12, 2010

Donna Gwen

What a name! (By that I'm assuming you read the title because that is in fact the name I am referencing). Donna Gwen is more then a name that rolls off the tongue but a person. A person with white hair, glasses, false teeth, and a family. I'm fortunate enough to be a part of her family, her legacy.
Donna Gwen just turned 80 years old and in her own words, she is officially old.
60? Young.
70? Young.
79? Young.
80? Old.
My grandma is one of my top favorite people and I have to say that I may be biased but she is more then deserving. Furthermore I would like to prove to you (or to me when I read this later, probably tomorrow, just to know that someone is reading this thing) that she is a woman worth knowing.
1 - When I was very little (in age not size) I cut my thumb. According to the images stored in my long term memory I am lucky to still be here as the blood gushed from my thumb in a steady, thick syrup like manner. Distressed, I rushed to the aid of dear old Grandma. Her first question to me was, "Is the blood green?" How could she be thinking of such a silly thing in this moment. "No." Stubborn as ever I failed to see the humor to be had in such a situation. "Oh good" was her response, "then you're not an alien."
2 - My grandma always won Old Maid. On purpose. She likes the un-irony of it.
3 - She rode a horse to school. I tried to talk my mom into this but using Grandma's situation and comparing it to my own didn't quite work. I dug my own grave in that debate.
4 - White haired and willful, there was a time that Donna Gwen donned a wig. The reason escapes me but logic tells me that it has something to do with the lack of hair. Anyway, the Blue Room (named for its coloring - go figure) was home to the wig. There are no images more disturbing stored in the Grandma and Grandpa's house folder in my long term memory then seeing my Grandma's hair on a plastic head over the dresser where the card games were stored.
4.5 - (This is a half because it is the same subject as number four but a completely different moment) I was watching this last session of general conference with Grandma when she grabbed my hand. Very seriously she asked, "Are my eyebrows on?"
5 - She loves me. She loves me when I'm silly, she loves me when I'm serious, she loves me when I'm practicing, she loves me when I'm sitting quietly. She loves me in a house, she loves me with a mouse. She loves me here or there, my Grandma loves me everywhere.

Here's to 80 years Grandma. Love you more then I love words.

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