Sunday, April 4, 2010

The power of your mind

As I sit here, stubbornly refusing to take medicine for this cold that crippled my enthusiasm to talk, sing, or even breathe I think about the power we all have. I've always been a firm believer that illness can be in your head. The possibility optimism awards for opportunities to improve your life are well worth the wait and the smile, even if you get some dirt in your mouth when the wind blows against you. I'm wondering why I am thinking only happy things of rainbows and butterflies and still my throat has been replaced by a music box with a dieing battery that sounds like a horse winy.
I also believe that I don't need to take medicine. Yes, I can see the obvious errors in my own logic but I will let it push me to the edge of my tolerance and still swallow that Advil begrudgingly.
I don't say that I understand it entirely but it is very much a part of me. I think that I can do anything I set my mind to so if you would be so kind to excuse me, I have my throat to think about.

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