Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Its Just Frustrating

Here are a few of the things that are just frustrating:
- Shoe laces coming untied
- Clothes that used to fit right but don't anymore
- Getting job offers right after you move out of the state
- Spots on your glasses
- Too many text books
- Putting your socks on the wrong feet and changing them only to realize halfway through that it doesn't matter
- Being alone when you need someone, being surrounded when you need to be alone
- Math

Yep, those are just a few things on my mind.


  1. A few things that frustrate me:
    -not finding the shoes I want to wear in the morning
    -The feeling of slipping backwards
    -The attachment that leads to the separation
    -That slow driver when I'm already running late
    -The constant search for somebody, and the subsequent failure
    -Seeing all the someones with somebody
    -Flat tires early on a Sunday morning.

    So, whatever my point is, there it is.

  2. Well that is depressing. Buy a plant. It makes things happy.

  3. HEY YOU. Smile. You're awesome. Londonderry misses you girly! Hope things are actually going well for you, in spite of this list!
