Monday, April 5, 2010

Fox Hunt

While the weather was on a cleanse diet and getting out the junk it stored during the weather, I happened to be interacting with the consequences of such a cleanse on my drive home from work. As the roads and snow decided to start a club and were highly exclusive, the stress of pulling into my vertical driveway grasped my attention and began to strangle ADD into submission.
Attempt one: This was more or less a general assesment and I realized I would need a second opinion
Attempt two: This was while taking the advice of the assessment of my mother. Hindsight tells me that calling her was pointless because she was not looking at what I was looking at. While turning around to start another attempt I almost got stuck in my neighbors driveway.
Attempt three: I SAW A FOX! Now with this claim I add a disclaimer. There is a possibility that it was a very short and spry dear with a bushy tail. Or even a raccoon with longer legs and bigger ears. I have seen enough Disney movies to know that it was a fox. (If I knew how to do footnotes there would be one next to Disney giving a short history of the company and another one next to fox that left further reference to "Robin Hood" and "The Fox and the Hound") So yes, I am 73% positive that it was a fox.
After getting my head in the game (yes, another Disney reference) I parked the car and was faced with the second hardest decision I have had to make today. The first was which movie to watch and believe me when I say, it was difficult. But the decision of consequence is if I were to chase after that fox. It was only two houses down and though I would be in unfamiliar terrain, in total darkness, at risk for getting in trouble for trespassing, and contracting rabies assuming this deer, raccoon maybe even a skunk creature was ravenous. Like I do with most hard decisions in my life I decided to decide later.
Now, knowing that this fox hunt opportunity is in the past and a past that yields no story, I have decided to make my own story.

Once upon a time there was a short girl. She was slightly adventurous, slightly blind, and highly curious. One night, whilst dancing in the glimmer of snowflakes, something curious caught this young maidens eye. While slightly uncertain of the animals character, little miss needs to see it all was quick to follow. Through the forest of suburban homes and landscaped lawns they ran until the young miss lost sight of the leader in this race through space and time. "Curious," she thought to herself and cautiously stepped forward. Like she'd seen in movies time and time again, she took the wrong step and WOOSH! A curious sight she was, her head where her feet should be. Out from behind the tree came Mr. Fox. It was clear now that he was a fox due to the process of elimination. He most certainly was not a deer because his legs were much to furry and far too thick. He was in no way a skunk because he neither smelled or bashfully hid behind a flower. And in no way could he ever be confused with Lady Gaga in a crowd because. . . well there is no logic to explain this deduction so be trusting and blindly believe that it was not Lady Gaga. So there she was, a curious sight being curiously dangled from a tree under scrutinizing inspection. "Curious," the fox whispered as he nibbled on her finger tips for just a moment and sniffed her hair. "You will have to do." With that he cut her down and expected her to keep up. Around a tree, under a porch, and into an outdoor pool they ventured. There they found a slightly short table from the girl's perspective with slightly smashed tea cakes and slightly chipped tea cups. There they sipped on slightly bitter tea and talked of slightly bitter things and were slightly civilized in their thumb wrestling tournament. After a slightly disappointing loss, the girl traveled back home to where a warm cozy bed was waiting. And she slept happily ever until the next adventure.
Good Night.

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